How to prepare your car for Summer

06 June 2024

Summer is just around the corner, and that means some good old road trips! Whether you’re dreaming of sandy beaches or scenic mountains, your car needs to be in top shape to get you there! Together we will explore how to ensure your vehicle is ready to take you on your summer adventures.  

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putting oil in car


You really should be checking your oil regularly, but definitely before a road trip, as your oil ensures your engine runs smoothly, especially in hot weather! All you need to do is check the level and condition – if you check your oil regularly, you’ll notice if it needs to be changed, as it will have a dark or dirty appearance or have a gritty or sludgy texture. Other signs that you need your oil changed to look for:

  • Dark or dirty appearance 
  • Gritty or sludgy texture 
  • Burnt smell 
  • Consistent low oil levels (if your oil level is low even shortly after topping it up, it might indicate a leak, or the oil is being consumed too quickly! Best to speak to a mechanic) 
  • Thick or viscous oil 

If you find it’s time for a change, make sure you use the recommended oil type for your engine – you can do this online, or contact us!  

Not sure how to check your oil? No problem! 

  1. Park your car on a level surface and turn off the engine  
  2. Wait until your engine has cooled down and open the bonnet 
  3. Locate the dipstick (it usually has a bright orange or yellow handle... if you’re unsure, let us know) 
  4. Pull the dipstick out completely and clean it with a paper towel or a rag – this is to ensure a clear reading 
  5. Reinsert the dipstick into the tube and push it all the way in 
  6. Pull the dipstick out once again and look at the oil level. The dipstick will have markings indicating the optimal oil level range. Often marked with MIN and MAX or L and H, the oil should be within this range – if it’s below the minimum mark, you’ll need to add oil. 

By regularly checking and maintaining proper oil levels, you help ensure your engine runs smoothly and efficiently, reducing the risk of breakdowns and prolonging your car’s life.  


Tyres are essential for safety, fuel efficiency, performance, tyre longevity, and legal compliance. Make sure to check the pressure and adjust it to the recommended levels, look for any signs of uneven wear, damage, or low tread depth. Not sure how to check your tyres? Let us! Or follow these steps below.

How to Check Your Tyres: 

Tread depth: use a treat depth gauge to ensure the treat is above the legal minimum (1.6mm). An easy way to check this is with a 20p! To effectively check tyre tread depth without a tread depth gauge, use a 20 pence coin. Insert it into the grooves on the tyre and if you can’t see the outer rim, your tyres are fine. But if you can see the rim, it’s time to replace them! 



Your car’s battery can be stressed by high temperatures (luckily our temperatures don’t really get too hot haha). You can test it to ensure it’s holding a charge and replace it if necessary, however you probably will have noticed issues if your battery has been playing up... As always, if you’re worried, give us a call! 


Your brakes are vital for safe driving and the brake pads, rotors, and fluid levels should be inspected before going on a long trip. If you notice any squealing, grinding, or a spongy feeling when braking, then call us immediately. 


Examine your vehicle’s belts and hoses for wear, cracks, or fraying. Hot weather can speed up their deterioration, so it's best to replace any that show signs of damage... Call us for help! 

Dog with head out of car window


Fluids will keep your car running smoothly and should be checked and checked up before driving. This includes coolant, power steering fluid, and windshield washer fluid. Proper fluid levels help prevent system damage and keep your car running smoothly. AND if you didn’t know – it is illegal to drive without windscreen washer fluid, so don’t let it run out! 


Unfortunately, with our lovely Northern Irish weather, summer showers are inevitable and can be intense. Replacing your wiper blades could be a good idea if they’re worn or leaving streaks – our winter probably gave them a battering.  

How should I prepare for a road trip? 

Pack an emergency kit for peace of mind. Include a jack, wheel wrench, jumper cables, torch, extra batteries, first-aid kit, water, and snacks. A car charger for your phone and a basic tool kit are also good additions. 

Plan your route in advance. Knowing where petrol stations, rest areas, and interesting stops are located can save you from getting lost or running out of fuel in unfamiliar areas. 

Clean your car inside and out before you hit the road. A tidy car makes for a more pleasant journey and helps you organise your belongings better. 

Avoid overloading your vehicle. Too much weight can strain the engine, tyres, and suspension, reducing fuel efficiency and potentially causing damage. Distribute weight evenly and securely. 

By following these steps, you’ll minimise the risk of breakdowns and ensure a safer journey. Regular maintenance and attention to detail keep your car running smoothly, letting you focus on making great summer memories! 

If you’re unsure about any aspect of car maintenance or need help with repairs, consult your local mechanic. We’ll ensure your vehicle is in top shape for summer.

Also, take care of yourself during the journey. Stay hydrated, take breaks to stretch and rest, and share driving duties when possible. By looking after both you and your vehicle, you’re set for an incredible summer. Happy travels! 

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