SERE Top Five Winter Car Checks

Top Tips,Aftersales News

03 November 2022


Don’t forget about caring for your car in the run up to Christmas. Ensure you are road-ready for the cold winter months ahead with our gentle reminder of things to look out for and how SERE can help.


Nothing is worse than getting into your car to discover it won’t start, especially in the colder months. This year, lots of cars have been parked up or sitting in driveways for longer periods of time. To avoid your battery going flat, start your engine up every couple of days and let the car run for a little while (whilst you’re in the vehicle).


Check your tyres. Are they worn or running flat? It is dangerous to drive with tyres not suitable for the road. Check your tread and tyre pressure regularly. If you live in more rural areas, it is a good idea to change over to winter tyres which have deeper treads and softer rubber giving you more grip and control on the road in rain or snow.


Check your lights. If any are out, you need to replace them as it is illegal to drive your car with faulty headlights or brake lights. Ensure your lights are always clear so there is no build up of ice or slush. This will help keep clear visibility on the road for you and other road users.

Windscreen Wipers

Visibility in bad weather is crucial so the condition and performance of your wiper blades is paramount to you driving safely on the road. Don’t wait until you see your wipers starting to flake. A regular clean and check of the rubber on each blade will help you detect if there is a need to change your windscreen wipers.  

Engine oil

Use the dipstick to check your engine oil level weekly, but only when the engine is cool. Keeping the oil topped up keeps the engine lubricated and will help prevent any engine damage and potential breakdown.


Don't forget these simple checks go a long way to keeping you safe. If your not confident completing these yourself SERE Motors is here for you if you need us!

Let us winter check your car for you. Our professional mechanics are equipped with all tools and parts necessary to winter check your car and keep you on the road throughout the winter. Give us a call on 02890 205 100 and one of the team can book you in at your earliest convenience. Alternatively you can contact your nearest dealership or look at our aftersales information online for more information. 


*Prices correct at time of publication and is subject to change. T's & C's Apply.

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